Saturday, September 30, 2023

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

The ancient nation of Judah had a false confidence that God would protect His covenant people regardless of their disobedience and thoughtless ‘worship’. As a result of continued neglect for God’s laws, Jerusalem was devastated for the second time. The Babylonians destroyed the temple and took thousands into exile……… Sin, the thief of all things good.

Isaiah, also known as the Old Testament Gospel writer, speaks to these exiles but also all whose hope is in the LORD. Judah was concerned with their entitled power on earth. It was taken away. God is concerned with our surrendered hearts now and forever. His purpose is not to punish, but to make us righteous and Holy, totally trusting and obeying Him alone. By His hand we are upheld in strength to face whatever foes come our way. We are not alone. God is there, just call His name and you will be in His presence.

Have a beautiful weekend,


Friday, September 29, 2023

So Abraham called that place THE LORD WILL PROVIDE. And to this day it is said, “On the mountain of the LORD it will be provided. Genesis 22:14 (Read all of chapter 22)

Isaac: God’s fulfillment of His covenant with Abraham. There was never a son more longed for or loved, but there is a miracle in this story that goes far beyond God’s provision of a ram. Through Abraham three of the world’s major religions were born. One through Hagar’s son Ishmael, the Arab/Muslim people, and the other two through Isaac, Judaism and Christianity.

God’s promises and covenants do not absolve any man or woman from single minded commitment to the One True God, not even Father Abraham. For the good of all mankind, Abraham had to have a correct adoration for the God of all creation and a humility that trusted Him with the most precious gift any human has ever been given, a child of their own.

God asked Abraham to give his son as a burnt sacrifice. Isaac, the covenant connection had to die. It didn’t make any sense! Can you imagine the questions beyond the grief?! But according to the narrative, Abraham didn’t hesitate and acted in such a way that Isaac too, placed all faith and trust in God’s omnipotent plan. WOW!

God didn’t need a human sacrifice, He needed the unobstructed faith and worship of the two men that would change the face of history. Abraham finally found an unlimited faith in God’s care, and Isaac saw that God was the source of ALL provision needed to survive.

Oh to always know and feel God’s power in our simple trust.



Thursday, September 28, 2023

And this is love: that we walk in obedience to His commands. As you have heard from the beginning, His command is that you walk in love.  II John 1:6

This short letter is addressed to the ‘lady chosen by God and to her children’, a title that is most likely a disguise of protection in a time of persecution for the Church. John writes of the joy he finds in knowing that this congregation is staying in the Truth but reminds this anonymous people that obedience is a by-product of love. Love is the driving force of grace and mercy and therefore, should be reflected in the lives of those forgiven.

God’s commands are often perceived as a list of rules. Rules are defined and can be followed whether you buy into their purpose or intellect. There is no moral connection in rule following, you are just avoiding a consequence. But God’s commands are not this! They are His loving provision of protection and communion with Him and one another. From the beginning of time and into infinity, love really does make the world go ‘round.

God is love. If you know Him, then you love.

Have a lovely Thursday,


Wednesday, September 27, 2023

My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. John 10:29

It is unbelievable that Jesus was investigated for healing a man blind since birth, but the Pharisees did just that. This miraculous act was done on the sabbath, therefore an act of love that radically changed someone’s life for the better was horribly offensive to these men of the synagogue and they tried to rob the healed and his family of their joy. When spiritual blindness stands next to physical impairment it is obvious which is a death sentence.

Following this event Jesus tells the Pharisees again and again that He is the Good Shepherd and the sheep know His voice. Others attempt to get into the sheep pen by other ways than the gate, but they are thieves. (John Chapters  9 and 10) The sheep are safe because they will not follow a voice they do not recognize. Just like the sheep, Jesus’ followers know He is God’s Son. They know the voice of the One that loves and cares for them.

The Pharisees could not hear the Father’s voice because He was not saying what they wanted to hear. Those who seek to hear and see Jesus, who is One with the Father, follow and will not stray. The way is straight and narrow, but it is clear and a bright light shines upon the path.

Have a Great Day,


Tuesday, September 26, 2023

“You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.” John 13:7

The setting is an upper room, a table is ready for the Passover meal, a sacred holiday celebrating redemption and freedom, a family event. Jesus knows His earthly time with these men is coming to a close but they are unaware. They have seen His miraculous power calm a stormy sea, feed multitudes and heal the hopeless. Now He wants to do the work of a slave? Jesus has taken a towel and is washing the disciple’s feet, the menial task of the lowliest servant.

The disciples are not willing participants. They have great respect for Jesus. As much as they can comprehend, they believe He is the Son of God. He is worthy of all their honor and praise. Just days earlier He rode into Jerusalem like a king. However, Jesus didn’t come to establish earthly principalities, He came to serve all men with humility and love and He demonstrates this by washing nasty, crusty dirt off of feet that have trod many steps through who knows what.

No, the men sharing a Holy remembrance with Jesus didn’t get it, but Jesus knew in perfect time they would and they would becomes servants of mankind too.

We don’t always get it either. There is one constant that we can depend on when life is confusing and overwhelming. God is good, and kind. He gave His only Son in Love because He is good. Trust His heart, it is good, only good. This gives us the strength to do good also.



Monday, September 25, 2023

My goal is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ. Colossians 2:6

The purpose of Paul’s letter to the young church in Colossae was to encourage them. Proper worship of Christ should be reflected in our daily lives, but false teachers were leading this community to return to specific Jewish customs irrelevant to grace and compromising the day to day victorious and joyful existence of the believers.

Gnostics were a major source of confusion and struggle for the Colossians. Gnostics believe there is a secret revelation to God’s will and purpose; God reveals His mystery to them and then they inform others. Just a note: God doesn’t need to tell someone else to tell you…..HE IS QUITE CAPABLE AND WILLING TO SPEAK TO YOU HIMSELF! However, He may affirm or confirm His will through another.

Christ alone is the mystery revealed. He is hope and love for all, crystal clear and free as air.



Saturday, September 23, 2023

But the LORD replied, “Is it right for you to be angry?” Jonah 4:4

Jonah, after resisting God’s call, has an ordeal at sea. While suffering in the belly of the whale, Jonah realizes the error of his ways and goes to Nineveh to prophecy that in 40 days the city will be overthrown if its people don’t turn from their wicked ways. They listen! Even the king, who declared a city wide fast and repentance, heeds Jonah’s warning. God spared the city. Jonah was not happy. He wanted it destroyed as he had prophesied.

Jonah wanted to save face. He only saw God’s actions appropriate as they applied to himself and his agenda, forgetting God’s sole purpose is mercy driven by love.

God wants to change lives. He is not lurking about looking for ways and reason to punish. We are so fortunate that God is patient and above all else, good. We, nor anyone else, will never get what we deserve if we confess and repent.

Have a great weekend!


Friday, September 22, 2023

And the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will Himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. I Peter 5:10

When I was young people asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” I had an ever changing ambition that varied according to the age and season of my life. At first I dreamed of being a fairy princess, and for a while I longed to be a Go Go Dancer (it was the white patent leather boots that drew me in). Now as an adult, my ambitions still exist, but they are considerably more circumspect. Strong, firm and steadfast are what I want to be when I grow up. They come at a price. The cost….. reality!

Peter is writing to those who are or will suffer for their faith and anxiously await Christ’s return. They believe in the resurrection and have experienced new birth, but that isn’t a ticket to life’s bed of roses. Growth and outcome begin with perspective and expectations. If our goal is to achieve the Kingdom of God then our perspective is a world hurt and lost, compelling us to serve, not be served and to give rather than seek gain.

I’ve put away my visions of shiny possessions and golden sunsets for a life worthy of God’s call. I chose the character of He who will come again in perfect justice and peace.



Thursday, September 21, 2023

The LORD is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. Instead He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. II Peter 3:9

Peter, the boisterous and bold apostle, the outspoken leader of the pack……..the one that denied knowing Jesus because he was frightened for his own life on the night before the crucifixion, knew the full measure of God’s patience, grace and mercy.

The early Christians were persecuted constantly and watched while friends and family were martyred. They held faithfully to God’s promise that Christ would return bringing righteous justice but the prolonged wait became harder and harder as time passed and the apostles (those who knew Jesus personally), and eye witnesses to Jesus’ resurrection and pentecost were dying.

Peter writes that a thousand years is like a day to God, so the wait has not been very long AND a delay in God’s final judgement is not reason to doubt but to have greater faith because He is patient and long suffering. His loving kindness waits for every soul to find Him.

Don’t allow a time of waiting to become a rift in your faith. God sees the big picture and great things are happening even when man cannot comprehend. Our willingness to wait and trust is evidence of our faith and trust in God’s plan for ourselves and all mankind.



Wednesday, September 20, 2023

On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped Him. Then they opened their treasures and presented Him with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Matthew 2:11

The Wise Men are only mentioned in Matthew’s accounting of the birth story of Jesus. These ‘kings’ were astrologers, from the east, and could have numbered as many as twelve. The Bible doesn’t refer to these Magi as ‘wise’, we do. Why? Not because of what they knew, but what they sought. They were well studied in Jewish tradition and history so when a star appeared, they knew the time had come and began their epic journey to worship.

Their gifts are profound: Gold for a king, frankincense, an incense burned to worship a deity, and myrrh, an anointing oil for mortal man, one that would die.

These men knew what they were looking for and were not dissuaded by obstacles, other men’s power or opinion nor possibly their own doubt or discomfort. They persisted in their long sojourn to find the promised, prophesied King of Kings, Lord of Peace. May we be so diligent our search and determination to worship Him also.

