Friday, September 29, 2023

So Abraham called that place THE LORD WILL PROVIDE. And to this day it is said, “On the mountain of the LORD it will be provided. Genesis 22:14 (Read all of chapter 22)

Isaac: God’s fulfillment of His covenant with Abraham. There was never a son more longed for or loved, but there is a miracle in this story that goes far beyond God’s provision of a ram. Through Abraham three of the world’s major religions were born. One through Hagar’s son Ishmael, the Arab/Muslim people, and the other two through Isaac, Judaism and Christianity.

God’s promises and covenants do not absolve any man or woman from single minded commitment to the One True God, not even Father Abraham. For the good of all mankind, Abraham had to have a correct adoration for the God of all creation and a humility that trusted Him with the most precious gift any human has ever been given, a child of their own.

God asked Abraham to give his son as a burnt sacrifice. Isaac, the covenant connection had to die. It didn’t make any sense! Can you imagine the questions beyond the grief?! But according to the narrative, Abraham didn’t hesitate and acted in such a way that Isaac too, placed all faith and trust in God’s omnipotent plan. WOW!

God didn’t need a human sacrifice, He needed the unobstructed faith and worship of the two men that would change the face of history. Abraham finally found an unlimited faith in God’s care, and Isaac saw that God was the source of ALL provision needed to survive.

Oh to always know and feel God’s power in our simple trust.



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