Thursday, June 13, 2024

For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. I Corinthians 13:12

This verse is taken from a passage generally considered to be the Love Chapter of the Bible.  Christian love is the model given by Jesus. These words of Paul paint a word picture of the One that loved us so deeply and completely that He died for us. There is only speculation and educated guesses as to what Jesus looked like in physical form, but there is no doubt about His heart.

A mirror is a very important household tool. I know of no one who does not check their outward appearance before they greet the world on the other side of the front door. Then, throughout the day a store window reflects your image as you walk by, the smooth, still waters of a pond have been know to stare back with truthfulness. But a reflection only shows what it can see or comprehend. If you look to the front, you see the front. Man’s perception and comprehension are just as limited as the mirror’s.  But there will come a day when we shall see Jesus completely as He is, face to face, heart to heart. Until then, we have this portrait of perfect love.

God is love. Until we rest fully in the presence of this God of infinite patience, kindness, protection, and hope, we have a faith that’s foundation is built on this reflected image of our Savior. Be His mirror image.



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