Monday, June 24, 2024

But Samuel replied, “Does the LORD delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the LORD? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams. I Samuel 15:22

Samuel was a prophet and priest to the covenant nation of Israel, a Theocracy. The world was a predatory place and to survive, a nation needed a strong presence, so God accommodated Himself to human ways and allowed this nation to have a king with the instruction to remember God.

Saul became Israel’s first king. He celebrated some resounding military victories early on, but soon became self-important and prideful. Then out of pettiness he ordered his army to abstain from food and issued a death sentence on his own son. Finally, he took the role of priest and offered a half-hearted sacrifice. This act of deliberate disrespect for all God’s laws was a complete offense and God withdrew His blessing.

By the time Samuel found Saul acting as priest by sacrificing, it was too late, but he speaks profound words to Saul in his grief at the failure of his beloved nation’s king, “God wants to reign in our heart. Where our heart goes, our bodies and our actions will follow.” (Gretchen’s paraphrase) 

Yes, there are things we do out of practice and tradition that reflect the God we love and serve, but if our heart isn’t connected, it means nothing and is in vain. 



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