Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Early the next morning Jacob took the stone he had placed under his head and set it up as a pillar and poured oil on top of it. Genesis 28:18

This is one of my favorite Bible stories. Up until this moment Jacob had relied on the God of Abraham and Isaac, his grandfather and father, to provide him with what he was ‘entitled’ plus a little more.  On this night, exiled for his behavior, under the stars and unsure of his future, Jacob finds himself as alone as anyone can be, and then, the One True God reveals Himself and becomes the God of Jacob’s own heart.

While sleeping with this stone for a pillow, Jacob dreams of a stairway connecting Heaven to earth.  God appears and transfers His covenant from Esau, the first born, to Jacob.  This rock, a symbol of permanence, became an alter of worship and Jacob became Heaven’s vehicle of continued promises and blessing. 

We often repeat what we know of God as it pertains to other people. This is an important step in developing correct understanding of His character and love, but someday it will just be you and God, and then He will become YOUR One True God. At this point, you will have everything your heart ever desired, especially peace and life everlasting.



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