Friday, June 28, 2024

“Make level paths for your feet,’ so that the lame may not be disabled, but rather healed. Hebrews 12:13

Keep your eyes on Jesus.  The newly established church began with the roaring fire of the Holy Spirit, but immediately met with horrific persecution that became culturally acceptable and even desired among pagans and Jews alike. The going was tough for those that believed and awaited eternal peace. The goal was more than worth it and there was an assurance in knowing Jesus himself had already made the journey successfully.

Part of paving a level path is remembering your blessings.  Return to those praises and let them carry you through today’s sorrows or struggles. Today’s disciplines and defeats do NOT invalidate yesterday’s victories.  Discipline is a season of strengthening. It is not the definition of who we are, but what we will be. Respond with gratitude and move forward wiser and with righteousness.

Finally, this verse likens each of us to the lame. Choosing an appropriate path is our free choice and responsibility. A level path will result in correct and perfect progress forward!



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