Wednesday, July 3, 2024

And, we who with unveiled faces all reflect the LORD’s glory, are being transformed into His likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the LORD, who is the Spirit. 2 Corinthians 3:18

When Jewish teachers went into a city, they carried papers of introduction with them. It was their authority from Jerusalem. They marched proudly waving their importance. These teachers kept the early Jewish converts to Christianity in constant conflict with Paul’s teachings. When faith led to evidence for these new believers, the Judaic leaders insinuated Paul was a fraud because he had no letters of recommendation. To the young, persecuted and questioning church member, this was a serious problem in developing sound faith AND it must be recognized as satan’s attempt to destroy and invalidate the grace and mercy of a loving Savior.

The work of the Holy Spirit and disciples growing in wisdom and number is a greater defense of Paul’s call than someone’s written statement. Read all of chapter three to get the true since of Paul’s commendation to the Corinthian church as recognition of God’s power to transform all people and their circumstances into a perfect reflection of God.

Paul, with unshakable faith, saw the connection between the past, present and future in the Story of God and turned every event of his journey into glory to God. He suffered deprivation and humiliation far beyond human endurance but knowing the Old Covenant was replaced with the living New Covenant and an assurance of life everlasting made every breath, no matter the struggle, worth it.  So, be transformed, all day, every day!



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