Thursday, July 11, 2024

He will oppose and will exult himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God. II Thessalonians 2:4-5

The church at Thessalonica was planted on Paul’s second missionary journey, but he was there only about three weeks before he was run out by Jewish leaders. The letters he sent to this church are some of his earliest writings and were written some twenty years after the resurrection. In his short stay, Paul preached of Jesus’ second coming, but there was some confusion and unfinished teaching. The understanding of life after death was very primitive and these early christians were concerned about those among them that died before Jesus returned.

For the persecuted, those who lost their families and jobs because they chose to follow Christ, the hope of a quick end to suffering was reason to celebrate, but as the weeks, months and years passed by, it grew harder to cling to a religion unlike everything they had ever been taught. Paul bolsters their perseverance by telling of the things to come and what to expect from the evil one who wishes to rob the gifts of God’s great love. Satan will unleash every power and resource in his arsenal to destroy peace and hope.

Until the Lord returns and ends satan’s existence for all eternity, we are vulnerable to his wicked ploy to ruin all that God has created and given us. But! Just as free will brings us to humble ourselves to forgiveness and salvation, it also lends us strength and resolve to stand firm in the face of fear and temptation. Righteousness until we see Jesus is a choice.



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