Monday, July 15, 2024

Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and His understanding no one can fathom. Isaiah 40:28

I would have the one problem in the world that the LORD can’t figure out and fix……..I am the singular person on the planet that God has truly forgotten………I did it! I exhausted every patience and grace from He who promised to be infinite in all things……….

Do you ever share similar thoughts? The exiled people of Isaiah’s time, who were guilty of violating God’s covenant law because they were entitle and rebellious, have lost every thing at the hands of the Assyrian empire and they were thinking some hopeless thinks. They have been uprooted from their homeland and taken into slavery or relocated to strange lands. Disheartened and shattered they are aware it was their own sin that created their trouble, BUT! God has sent word, He still loves. Not only does He hold the power to keep His promises, He begins to speak of an eternal Hope that will change the world permanently.

Our sins cost much this side of Heaven, but they are not a death sentence if we humble ourselves to God’s authority and forgiveness. Sin separates us from God, shame hobbles salvation’s joy. Fear halts progress, a stubborn heart does all satan’s work for Him. And in the blink of an eye, or the pulse of a heartbeat, God brings life where all was thought to be dead. He has not forgotten, He is not confused and He has not quit loving. He is being God and that’s all you need.

Praying for your strength this Monday,


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