Tuesday, July 16, 2024

The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of His being, sustaining all things by His powerful word. After He had provided purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in Heaven. Hebrews 1:3 

Many Jews who came to believe Jesus was the Messiah felt that soon, Jerusalem would become capitol of the world.  Rome would crumble and Jesus would reign.  Where they had been oppressed, they would rule. It didn’t turn out that way!  It is believed that Paul wrote this letter from Rome, but did not attach his name to it, because he had become very unpopular. His message of perseverance and servitude was not well received by believers, and to those who would not repent!? Well, he had a lot to say about their present and future state.  No matter who did the writing, Hebrews is a letter to Jews, connecting Levitical Law to prophecy and prophecy to Jesus, the Son of God. It is the foundational footing for Christianity, therefore, it defines some very important facts that Christian’s then and today must anchor their faith to.

Jesus became the spotless Lamb who’s blood was spilled for a final sacrifice/atonement. Prior to the crucifixion, priests made animal sacrifices for repentance of their sin. The process was specific, elaborate and important to covenant keeping, until Jesus died and rose again. At that moment, death no longer had any hold on this world and the need for temple rituals became unnecessary. But, God’s covenant people got hung up between traditions of the Old Law and the freedoms of the New. Which did God mean? Both, first one and then the other, but not together. 

Surviving life can feel impossible, certainly defeating. The Christians of Jerusalem came to know horrible persecution from all sides and eventually, their city of hope was completely destroyed. There could be no temple rituals because the temple was a pile of rubble. But, there was no need. Access to God’s Throne is as near as the speaking of His name in reverent welcome. It was His breath that brought life to Adam, and it is His breath, the power of His Word, that brings eternal life once again, because Jesus, God’s Son, is alive and He is preparing your place in Heaven.



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