Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.  Psalms 20:7

For today’s devotional we are going to link two ideas together for spiritual renewal and encouragement: Faith and common sense.

This worship Psalm was used as David was preparing for battle. Jerusalem gathered to pray and praise before the nation’s military met their approaching foe. As he and his forces prepared appropriately to engage in battle, they also asked for God’s blessing and protection. God answered and Israel was the victor.

David was a warrior king. He amassed and led a trained, outfitted and formidable army. This is common sense from the man a nation relied on for security and continued prosperity. However, David knew he could have all the world’s resources if he sought them, but they were irrelevant without the will of the LORD our God.  How do you access God’s power and will? Faith.

Common sense says, prepare. There are things you must do, things you will need. Act accordingly. But, when life gets real and all the preparation in the world isn’t enough, add faith. It is time to step aside and let God be God. He is not upstaging you, selfishly controlling your outcomes or invalidating your efforts to be ready. He is doing what you cannot……He’s being God!



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