Saturday, July 27, 2024

“For by your words you will be acquitted and by your words you will be condemned.” Matthew 12:37

Our words reveal our character. In fact, all our actions, both secret and public have an audience and are being written down. You can’t do one thing and say you believe another.  To do so means you are rewriting truth. There is only one Truth and He will not be amended or altered to suit man’s comfort. 

These words are Jesus’ own in context of the Pharisee’s questioning the origin of His powers. Every miracle Jesus performed was done in love and benevolence, for the purpose of healing and restoring the weak and broken, but He was accused of being in cahoots with the devil.  Why? The Jewish leaders hated Him and His threat to their authority. They wished to murder His character with their words. (Gossip at its very worst.) Their tongues revealed their soul’s darkness.

Calling evil, good, is a fast road to a place no one wants as their permanent address, but calling good, evil is the depth of wickedness because God is Good, He is the author of good and through His Holy Spirit we should recognize His works. All that we live and say should be witness to our trust in these things.



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