Friday, August 9, 2024

The woman said to Him, “Sir, give me this water so that I won’t get thirsty and have to keep coming here to draw water.” John 4:15

In contrast to the wife of Lot, (Genesis chapter 19) who could not turn loose of the life that was destroying her, this woman at Jacob’s well had no idea the world had anything to offer other than sin, despair, misery, repeat……sin, despair, misery, repeat. Then she met Jesus. 

The road through Samaria, rather than around, was a short cut to Galilee from Jerusalem. Religious and racial prejudice made this an uncomfortable walk most would not take. It was uncommon for a Jew to venture through this land, but Jesus wasn’t intimidated, and when the woman came along, probably expecting to be treated with less respect than a stray dog, (It was normal social protocol.) she was surprised to be addressed with a request.

Jesus, being the Son of God and all, knew this woman had a horrible moral problem, but He didn’t offer her judgement. Instead, He had a foolproof solution. Repent, sin no more and be sure to tell everyone who will listen.

Jesus did not live by the norms of the world. He went places others were hesitant to travel. He was kind when cruelty was the order of the day. He was patient when others had no time to spare and He touched and healed when no one would go within a mile to help.  It’s the Gospel story over and over, LOVE BRAVELY! It really will change the world one life at a time.

Happy Friday,


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