Saturday, August 10, 2024

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. Colossians 3:17

Collosae’s church came under fire from cultural entanglements that wanted to blend themselves with Christianity in the name of philosophy, enlightenment and tradition. The proper name for this phenomenon is ‘syncretism.’  It looks good on paper and in theory, but is opposition to truth.

Paul emphasizes the intimate, individual relationship Christians must have with one another and their Savior. The roots of who you are, and are growing to be, must be anchored in a risen Christ. The ‘theologians’ of Colossae wanted the church to believe that God had given them mystical, secret insight, thus granting a special authority to them only. This is a huge warning!!!!! For all who seek, find. God is a loving, personal God.

God alone provides and nurtures. If we believe this, it will become who we are in word and deed. Our response is gratitude, because God is Good all the time.

Have a Great Weekend!


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