Friday, August 16, 2024

The angel of the LORD also said to her, “You are now with child and you will have a son. You shall name him Ishmael, for the LORD has heard of your misery.” Genesis 16:11 (Genesis 12-16)

Abraham was born in the city, but God called him into the country of Canaan. The area was stricken with drought so Abraham, Sarai and his nephew Lot, went into Egypt, but first he asked his wife/half sister Sarai to disguise the fact that they were husband and wife, as Sarai was amazingly beautiful, thus putting Abraham’s life in jeopardy. Sure enough, Pharaoh took her into his palace and gave Abraham gifts. Immediately plagues fell on this royal house and Abraham and Sarai were sent on their way. Having grown wealthier over time, Abraham and Lot had to separate because their vast live stock made living together too difficult. Given the choice of land, Lot took his portion from along the Jordan valley, but got caught up in a war between local kings and was taken prisoner. Abraham went and rescued him. 

Sarai, Abraham’s wife was barren. Although God made a promise that his offspring would be like the dust on the earth, Abraham and Sarai had grown old and they were beginning to lose sight of God’s promised blessing. Hagar was a servant that probably came into their household when Pharaoh gave Abraham servants and cattle as compensation for having taken Sarai into his harem. Sarai gave Hagar to Abraham so that he could conceive a child with her and carry on his family line. It was a short walk to bitterness for Sarai, and dissonance and discontent fell on everyone. Hagar ran away, but was ordered to return with God’s peace. She gave birth to Ismael who became the patriarch of the Arab people.

Hagar, an Egyptian, came to Abraham’s household because of the lie about his kinship to Sarai and Ismael is the result of Sarai’s impatience with God’s will and timing. 

God explicitly, through the act of covenant making, laid out His promise to Abraham and Sarai and they still took matters into their own hands. It didn’t go well. But God is faithful and He will do what He promised He would do. He is worthy of our unquestioning trust, love and adoration.

Have a great Friday,


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