Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Abraham answered, “God Himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.” And the two of them went on together. Genesis 22:8 (Genesis 21:22-22)

Isaac, the long anticipated, promised son, is growing into adulthood. AND THEN!!!!! It seems that God has chosen to jeopardize His own plan for a covenant nation. He is demanding that Abraham give his son back as a child-sacrifice. This chosen and called man has had many shortcomings in his behavior, and disobedience has not been without its consequences, but to kill one’s off-spring makes no sense!

The demand Abraham awoke to that morning was puzzling and frightening, but this time Abraham followed God’s instructions without question or hesitation.  At some point Abraham released the impulses of his earthly being and began to walk exclusively by faith, knowing that all the future was God’s and God was good.  God didn’t need Isaac’s death to satisfy Himself, He wanted Abraham to understand the strength of a steadfast certainty. The History of the world rested on this defining moment.

God is not a God of pointless, ridiculous penance. What we relinquish and what we are given to keep are designed to purify and perfect our hearts and our relationship with our Loving Protector and Provider. When a faithful God and faithful man stand together……….the world is forever changed!



P.S.  It is worth noting in chapter 21:8-20, that God shows kindness to Hagar, the slave, and her son and outcast child, Ismael. They have both been tossed and toiled at the whim of others, but God loves and provides. 

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