Monday, September 2, 2024

“I cannot do it,” Joseph replied to Pharaoh, “but God will give Pharaoh the answer he desires.”  Genesis 41:16 (Genesis 40-41)

A very quick summary of these two chapters is difficult because they tell a detailed story, but the skeleton narrative is, Joseph has been a slave for thirteen years. While in prison he explains the dreams of the Pharaoh’s chef and butler.  The chef dies, the butler is restored to his position, but forgets to bring Joseph’s name before Pharaoh for a pardon. Two years later Pharaoh himself is disturbed by a vision his magicians cannot unravel. Spoiler! Joseph goes from prisoner to governor in the blink of an eye.

Pharaoh’s dream foretells of seven years of bountiful harvest in the Nile valley, then a drought extending way beyond Egypt’s borders will place many nations in peril. The job of being prepared for both feast and famine is passed to Joseph and he does a stellar job.

Although not part of the Messianic family tree, Joseph takes up quite a lot of space in the story of the Hebrew people.  Egypt was not the brutal, enslaving power we see in Moses’ time. Joseph was judged on his own merit, not pedigree. His steadfast faith and determination toward righteousness made him a vital instrument in Israel’s survival (see details in tomorrows story). Maybe God is showing all of us that the little man, with faith as his strength can quietly change the world.

Have a Marvelous Monday!


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