Saturday, September 7, 2024

The LORD said, “I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering. Exodus 3:7 (Chapter 3:1-12)

Concern-to relate to, be of interest or importance to. To engage a person’s attention to the affects of someone’s welfare or happiness.

Moses resolved himself to the quiet, solitary life of a desert herdsman. Long gone were the days of palace privilege. His crime of murder humbled him, the years in the wilderness (the land he would someday guide a nation through) brought about a sturdy man with survival knowledge. Moses was very much a man blown about by the circumstances of life and the consequences of a reckless moment. We have the benefit of seeing the entire story in a matter of moments and know the miraculous ending, the result of God’s concern. Moses had an encounter with God and was asked to go….with only his faith and trust……having no knowledge of how it would play out….Wow!

The story of Moses’ journey from cradle to burning bush is packed full, and I will give attention to some very important theological concepts, but first and foremost is this word ‘concern.’  By way of interest, because you are important, God chooses to be intimately involved in your life. You can trust Him with all there is to know about your suffering. He is concerned, and that means help is on the way!

God expressed concern over the cries of the Hebrew children who had become oppressed and exploited. He does not like suffering!  He will bring it to an end and deliver you into peace and joy!!



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