Tuesday, September 17, 2024

“And in the morning you will see the glory of the LORD, because He has heard your grumbling against Him. Who are we, that you should grumble against us?”  Exodus 16:7 (chapter 16)

I hope you will read all of Exodus, chapter 16, because the verse I have chosen seems odd, but it makes a great point for each of us to remember on our journey of victory in salvation.

God has brought the Hebrew children into the desert that lies between Egypt and their homeland.  They are now a new creation, the chosen people. That’s pretty awesome! God does not guide them on the shortest or most convenient route along the shores of the Mediterranean Sea or even straight across the peninsula. They would be waylaid by bandits and established cultures would draw them away from their purpose.  By the time their traveling is over, all that will be remembered is, “God alone is a faithful protector and provider.” They will be a Theocracy and God will be their government. 

It only took one month for the victors to become discontent and mutinous. The food and water they carried with them depleted and they didn’t see hope for any more. In fear they grew anxious and angry, then judged and blamed their leaders. Slavery was considered a positive against the struggles of their freedom.

In the verse above, notice the people grumble at Moses and Aaron, but Moses, Aaron and God know it was not a nutrition crisis, but a faith issue. This lack of trust lead to disobedience/sin and God addressed it.

There are no sins except those against God, first and foremost. Only He can judge justly and He will. Moses was called to lead, not replace God, so He let God be God. This is not an easy task when we as humans take criticisms personally or are deeply harmed or hurt by the behaviors of others. Release your pain and heartache to God’s loving authority. It will free you to live in peace, and strength will replace your anguish.



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