Wednesday, September 18, 2024

When Moses’ hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it.  Aaron and Hur held his hands up-one on one side, one on the other-so that his hands remained steady till sunset.  Exodus 17:12 (Chapter 17)

Same song, second verse…….The Israelites came to a place in the desert where there were no wells or oasis. Sooooooo, they assumed God had left them to die and expressed their rotten attitudes to Moses, who then went to God and received instructions on providing water. Spoiler! They all survived, because God is persevering in patience and love.

A nomadic tribe from Esau called the Amelekites attacked Israel, possibly to keep the new water fountain for themselves. Joshua, Moses’ successor, leads a force to defend Israel. However, all victory belongs to the Lord, for this young nation has no army or defense other than their God. Moses is instructed to lift his staff, the one that turned the Nile into blood and the same that drew water from the rock. While the battle raged, Moses arms grew weary, so Aaron and Her stepped in to take his burden as their own. The Amelekites were not only defeated on this day, but they were wiped completely off the face of the earth.

What would have been the fate of Israel if Moses had been left to lead, praise, pray and lift his arms all on his own? Do you need help holding your arms up through the battle? It is not weakness to grow weary. God will provide. Are you God’s provision for someone else? Is it your time to hold the arms until foes are conquered? Will victory depend on your commitment to the cause? 

Have a Great Wednesday,


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