Thursday, September 26, 2024

So the cloud of the LORD was over the tabernacle by day, and fire was in the could by night, in the sight of all the house of Israel during all their travels. Exodus 40:38 (Chapters 35-40)

A nation has been born. Now it is time to build God’s home in their midst. These final chapters of the Exodus narrative tell the detailed labor of building God’s tabernacle, or God’s dwelling place at the center of everyday life. 

This primitive, yet elaborate, home for Israel’s Lord, had purpose and still has relevant meaning to Christians today. The Tent faced the east. The Holy of Holies was the sacred place of the Ark. The Ark held the Tablets of Testimony, a jar of manna and Aaron’s staff. The Israelites knew this Ark was the place where Law and Mercy came together. The Holy place contained a table of gratitude for God’s provision, a candlestick representing the community, and the Altar of incense signifying perpetual prayer. A veil separated the Holy of Holies, God’s Throne, and the Holy place, man’s waiting room.  At the crucifixion this veil was torn and the door to God’s presence was finally, freely open to man. There was a basin for washing, the foreshadowing of Baptism and an altar for burnt offerings. Man’s access to God is through the shed BLOOD of atonement.

God is not haphazard, wasteful of our time and energy, or trite and small of heart.  He intends for His people to worship Him alone and He will be their government, Provider, Protector, Judge, Justice, source of Hope and eternal existence.

The determination of God to dwell with us is His love manifested in action. We can not ask for more than this.  He is worthy of Praise.



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