Saturday, September 28, 2024

You must distinguish between the Holy and the common, between the unclean and the clean. Leviticus 10:10 (Chapters 8-10)

God has placed Himself at the very center, the heart of the Jewish nation. There is now a place of worship, forgiveness and atonement. Moses has acted as Israel’s priest, the mediator between God and man, but now God ordains a Hereditary order from the tribe of Levi. Priests will begin with Aaron and his sons. They will be supported by tithes and sacrifices.

At the center of life for this migrant nation is an unceasing fire of sacrifice. The perpetual glow is to remind people of their propensity to return to sinfulness but also, God’s gift of opportunity to seek reconciliation with Him. These blood sacrifices point to an age long picture and plan for the final, perfect, first born, The Christ. The New Testament book of Hebrews ties the priesthood and the sacrifice together clearly as, Jesus, Lamb of God.

In Chapter 10 there is an accounting of two of Aaron’s sons who were highhanded with God’s ordinances and decided to do things their way. They were swiftly put to death by the same fire that led the Hebrew children, the fire of God’s presence. God’s holiness demands respect from those who believe. His commands and gospels are meant to be obeyed, not tailored or distorted to fit man’s fancy or convenience. We are called to be uncommon, Holy. It is possible, because what God demands, He provides.



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