Friday, October 4, 2024

Say to the Israelites: ‘When a man or woman wrongs another in any way and so is unfaithful to the LORD, that person is guilty. Numbers 5:6 (Chapter 5)

Our behavior toward one another cannot be separated from the purity of our hearts. When you wrong another person, you have first, sinned against God.  And, the reverse is true. If you have been abused or used badly, it is God who first felt the sting of your pain and the sin that hurt you.

Not only does God’s law emphasize Holiness before Him, but among each other, in our communities and families. It is important to treat each other with the highest respect and regard for well-being.

If you think it is okay with God to mistreat someone, you would be wrong! And…….if you are suffering at the hands of abusive tormentors, take heart, because God is going to fix it, better than you ever could.



Wednesday, October 3, 2024

So the Israelites did everything the LORD commanded Moses; that is the way they encamped under their standards, and that is the way they set out, each with his clan and family. Numbers 2:34 (Chapter 1-4)

Three months after the Hebrew slaves were emancipated they arrived at Sinai. There they received the Law and became a nation. They learned the patterns of living and worshiping in a community of Holiness, and becoming the state that would bless all people.

Now, two years laters, they are ready to set out again toward their forever home. They must get organized. God ordered a census and then directed the moving process down to the most minute detail. Military precision, efficiency and obedience is the plan.

Faith and fidelity were man’s obligation to God’s constancy. Only God can make every moment of a twenty-four hour day count. He alone can give perfect rest, and budget all other minutes of a day as they need to be spent to achieve the greatest value. 

Put away the authority of your watch and let God’s wisdom and peace guide your progress forward.



Tuesday, October 2, 2024

“I will grant you peace in the land, and you will lie down and no one will make you afraid.”  “I will bring upon you sudden terror, wasting diseases and fever that will destroy your sight and drain away your life.” Leviticus 26:6a and 16b (Chapters 24-27)

The Hebrew children have been stationary for some time. God has made His inhabitance among them, set up His tabernacle, instructed correct worship and religious habits, given Laws for practical living and taught them well self preservation as a nation. Soon they will be moving again toward their permanent inheritance. They MUST remain Holy, for without Holiness God’s presence will be lost.

God is not selfish. He gives. There is a simple reward for obedience! Peace and rest. Disobedience leads to suffering and eventual death.  Just as guardians perpetually teach and remind their charges that good perpetuates good and bad breeds sorrow, God will never quit teaching us His ways of abundant life. He does not quit on us in any way, shape or form!

When you mess up, don’t turn your back and give up! God is faithful and just. Mercy and grace are in abundance. God’s every endeavor is to remain constant in your life, all you have to do is obey.



Tuesday, October 1, 2024

“Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD.” Leviticus 19:18 (Chapters 19-23)

Chapter 19 echoes the Ten Commandments. Verse 18 is one of the highlights of Mosaic Law, quoted by Jesus Himself. We are to reflect God’s Holiness by how we treat others.  While these laws were superseded by Jesus’ blood, we should still look upon them as a window into God’s character.  He is a concerned and loving Father who calls His children to respect life and reputation.

Holding a grudge voids joy and opens the door to selfish and sinful decisions, while turning devotion away from faithful dependence on God’s wisdom, justice and timing. Let it go! God’s got it!

Many surrounding nations had governance and laws with similarities to Israel’s, but they also centered around sensual and perverted behaviors, things strictly forbidden by God. The phrase, “I am the LORD.” repeated after each proclamation emphasizes that these are the laws of God, designed to set His people apart from all others.

God prioritizes the dignity of all people. This is not the standard of other principalities. God is good and those who believe should radiate His countenance so that the world may know.

