“You acted foolishly,” Samuel said. “You have not kept the command the LORD your God gave you; if you had, He would have established your kingdom over Israel for all time.” I Samuel 13 (Chapters 13-14:1-23)
For Saul, it was a very short walk from humble man to arrogant king. Impatience, fear and a military encounter prompted him to impersonate a priest when his army ran and hid. Saul put himself in the place of God’s authority. This spells doom for anyone who dares, then and today. It cost Saul his dynasty.
Jonathan, Saul’s son, took a more reverent approach to the dire situation the Israelite army found its self in, knowing the outcome, no matter the numbers or weapons, was in God’s mighty hand. The LORD rescued Israel.
Countenance means everything. It reveals our true belief in God’s place in our life in contrast to perception of our own ability and autonomy. A little success and suddenly you are a god, or….. hung between the Philistine army and a cliff brings great clarification as to who is God and who is not. Be the same everyday, no matter the circumstance; humble, ready with praise and standing on faith.
Have a great day!