But I have stilled and quieted my soul; like a weaned child with its mother, like a weaned child is my soul within me. Psalm 131:2 (Psalm 47, 86, 131, 133)
We are called daily to simple childlike trust. Instinct and culture drives mankind to believe in independence of everyone and everything, but this goal is unattainable, for no man is an island. Jesus taught that it is appropriate and desirable that all men approach the Father, His and ours, as children.
The weaning of a child is time for celebration. The child has survived the fragile state of infancy. Now a toddler, this child is still totally dependent on guidance, sustenance and protection. My own young daughters, who knew there would be warmth and food, would come to me at some time each day, often in the hush of mornings or evenings, push gently on my stomach and say, “Make a lap.” I cherished those moments of bending to receive the comfort of our communion. David knew the great comfort of finding every need met by a gentle, loving and Almighty Father. That comfort is ours too, for Jesus reminded us to come before the Throne as a child. (Mark 10:15, Luke 18:17)
When in trouble, every youngster turns to the safest place they know, usually an adult who has proven faithful and kind. God set Himself as our place of refuge. It isn’t our weakness that defines our habits of safe harbor, but rather, God’s strength alone. He has made a place for each of us within His arms and upon His lap.
Snuggle down!