Teach me Your way, O LORD, and I will walk in Your truth, give me an undivided heart, that I may fear Your name. Psalm 86:11 (Psalms 37, 86, 138)
The direction of David’s life was very often propelled by the wickedness of others. Was he constantly in survival mode, paralyzed by circumstances beyond his control? A lot of ‘no’ with a little bit of ‘yes’. He did have to deal daily with sin, sometimes his, certainly that of those who wished him ill for the gain of their own selfish agenda. David adopted habits that focused a correct perspective and allowed good to prevail in the midst of evil.
Psalm 37 is a series of proverbial sayings pointing to the dominance of good over bad. No matter how bleak things seem, sin will be punished. There were many times David had to confidently stand on the side of right and then wait patiently for the LORD to move. God was always faithful.
David’s philosophy for living in the world of grief and wrong doing was: Do good, rely totally on God, and trust in His infinite love and faithfulness. It has proven victorious.
Happy Weekend!