Thursday, January 30, 2025

You have done more evil than all who lived before you. You have made for yourself other gods, idols made of metal; you have provoked Me to anger and thrust Me behind your back. I Kings 14:9 (I Kings 14-15 and II Chronicles 11-13)

Israel’s king, Jeroboam turned out to be a wicked king. He and his wife devised a plan to trick God’s prophet. They failed and their son, the only good thing found in their house, died. In response to obedience, God promised peace and prosperity. The wonder of God’s love was put aside for the passing moments of earthly self rule.

Judah, with Rehoboam on the throne, did no better. Using tax money for debauchery is a proven way to please the masses and temple prostitution became a practice. Abijah followed in all the evil of his predecessor.  Abijah’s son Asa became his heir. Asa did right in the eyes of the LORD. He cleaned the perversions and idolatry out of the Temple and in spite of an ongoing war with Israel, Judah prospered.

These kings really (I mean REALLY) expected God to adjust His definition of justice and Holiness with respect to their desires. God did not. For those who wish to negotiate right and wrong God’s Law can seem incredibly frustrating and brutal, but for those who accept Him as Sovereign and Savior, His Love, Mercy and Grace is amazing. Choose wisely!



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