Friday, January 31, 2025

You will drink from the brook, and I have ordered the ravens to feed you. I Kings 17:4 (I Kings 16-17)

With Asa and his son Jehoshaphat, Judah remained mostly faithful to God. Israel refused moral enlightenment and turned further and further into idolatry. King Ahab did more evil than any before him, with a trivial attitude toward offending God. He martyred God’s prophets and along with his spiteful and vengeful wife Jezebel, turned God’s people toward the worship of Baal.

God’s answer to these despicable behaviors was the obedient and courageous Elijah. This amazing Biblical figure is first found being nourshed by ravens and a babbling brook, amidst a devastating drought throughout Israel. When the stream dried up God sent Elijah to a widow. The widow had only enough flour and oil to feed her young son one last time, but Elijah instructed her to go home and make everyone some food. Miraculously, her supply did not diminish for the length of time she fed God’s messenger. As time went on, the young boy became ill and brushed death. His mother cried out to Elijah. Elijah took to boy to his room, called to the LORD and the child lived.

God answered evil! He did not react with oblivion to man’s pain, need or despair, but with a mighty, purposeful and relevant response. For those who chose to hear with their ears, see with their eyes and trust with their mind, God WILL change the course of calamity.

Have a Great Weekend,


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