“O house of Israel, can I not do with you as this potter does?” declares the LORD. “Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in My hand, O house of Israel. Jeremiah 18:6
There is very little left of God’s covenant nation Israel. The homelands, Judah and Israel have been obliterated and Jerusalem is falling into the hands of Babylon, a consequence of disobedience. (Later Babylon was wiped off the face of the earth as punishment for its sins against the Jews.)
Jeremiah is called to the house of a potter where God gave him a message. He finds a potter struggling with clay that is marred and will not become what it was intended to be. Without discarding the clay, the potter successfully reshapes the vessel. Wickedness and idolatry are the people’s choice, but God can change their destiny if they will allow Him the right to shape and direct their future.
Our choices determine our destiny. Free will is a gift from God. Our ultimate gift, and faith in action, is the return of our will to God.
Complete submission verses personal autonomy seems like an incredibly difficult choice until you consider the outcome. It brings the concept of, “Make good choices” to a whole new level!
Have a great weekend!