Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:6

The Philippian Church was known as one of the purest churches of the New Testament.  Luke was its pastor for six years and Paul accepted financial support from them during his vast missionary journeys, something he rarely allowed. (He supported himself as a tent maker so he could stand above reproach.)

Imprisoned in Rome but still evangelizing people in Nero’s court while captive, (how convenient) Paul had his moments of loneliness and felt his isolation profoundly. A messenger from this church brought good news and comfort, a balm to Paul’s soul.  God was doing great things. This congregation is rooted in correct theology and missional at heart. The Body of Christ is alive and well. Paul responds with the beautiful prayer and letter we read as Philippians.

The spiritual needs of Christians, old or new, pastors or lay persons, do not change through time or geography. Paul is relentless in his passion to keep the church pointed to the Throne of God while living in a world that has become a foreign land. Our strongest connection to them is that we too are living as immigrants in a world that is not our home. Our confidence in what God is doing in our lives and those around us, until His Day, is an important act of worship. Find someone that made a difference in your life and let them know. They need to hear and you need to remember.



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