Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail, they are new every morning; great is thy faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23
The beautiful, unassailable Jerusalem, has fallen to King Nebuchadnezzar’s army after many years of siege. God has allowed His covenant nation to be exiled to Egypt and Babylon. Jeremiah wrote the appendage to the book of his name, sending copies of it with the captives to learn and put in their heart. It was written in an acrostic, making memorization easier.
In chapter three, Jeremiah laments that by choice, God no longer hears His people who have broken faith. The God of Love, has become the God of wrath and judgement. Their sufferings were horrific. The Jewish people had become entitled and believed they were above God’s commands simply by relationship to Abraham. They were wrong and the cost of their sin was far greater than they ever imagined or wanted to pay.
By faith we know that God is sovereign, but a greater faith gives us peace that God is Good. Although it is hard to see and even more difficult to voice, God is the God of redemption and restoration. Jerusalem did become a great city once again, but it was there that the Jewish authority had Jesus crucified. In this tragedy, it is once again revealed that God’s Grace and Mercy are available and sufficient. We will never be consumed by this world because God is near, He is faithful and His compassions never fail.
Have a Lovely Day,