Now Moses was a very humble man, more humble than anyone else on the face of the earth. Numbers 12:3 (chapters 11-12)
The journey from Sinai is under way. This nation is moving forward, God has proven faithful and the fulfilled promise is in sight, but that’s not good enough. Their food supply, manna, is given each day, free of charge. It’s laying on the ground. Just bend in the middle, a little at the knees, pick it up and you are fed! Yet, they grumble over the monotony. The food of Egypt, gained through loss of rights and freedoms, is remembered fondly. God, in love and patience, provides quail.
Moses displays a remarkable attitude as leader. He has complete power, but absolutely no corruption, seeking no earthly gain for himself. His eyes are on God’s plan, but he has become weary. Mentally and physically Moses is exhausted! In response, God sends 70+ leaders some of the ‘spirit’ or knowledge of Moses, so that he can delegate. God didn’t ask him to do more than he was able. Help was freely given.
Finally, Moses’ older siblings, Miriam and Aaron, begin to mumble and undermine Moses’ authority. God will have none of it! He calls Moses and these two into the tent of meeting and straightens Miriam and Aaron out! They know who’s who when all is said and done, and the instigator, Miriam, is cursed with leprosy for seven days.
These people were their own worst enemy! Gratitude was lost at a pity party, and gossip came at a very high cost……BECAUSE GOD HEARS EVERYTHING! Watch your heart and your mouth will follow.