Sunday Stories, October 21, 2018

The imagination is a crucial motivating force in life.  Personally, I am a dreamer and my imaginings were always white picket fences and gingham curtains. I couldn’t wait for college, then marriage. I role played motherhood from the time I could hold a doll of my own. And then there was the ownership of that little white house with a fence. My visions from childhood prepared and directed me in the way I wanted to go.  But no one dreams of an empty nest. Bedrooms you designed as a haven for your children are now empty except for tokens of memories made. Neither do we dream of the years to come when our mental and physical mobility become limited and dependency on others becomes the only means of survival.  The days of youth are infinite, then one day you awake and they are numbered.

Several months ago my husband began making daily trips to a local retirement facility.  A friend became a resident. To ease the personal grief of age, Keith committed to visit often. One friendship led to many.  Keith enjoyed the camaraderie of folks up and down the hallways teaching each other to turn off their wheelchair and bed alarms to circumvent the diligence of the staff, and teasing each other over a dinner table no longer shared with family across generations, but people, once strangers, with the common bond of limited freedom. Keith discovered great evidence that the human spirit seeks joy in all seasons of life. Their resilience and determination to be happy is inspiring.

The dear friend passed away. In sorrow, Keith knew he must return to the nursing home to those who mourned too.  Recently, he was sitting at a table with an elderly gentleman when the man mentioned another person recently gone.  The former resident’s granddaughter and great grandson visited often bringing sunshine with their youth and energy.  He told Keith he missed the little fellow coming around. In his comments he recounted once when the small tike touched his arm and asked if he knew Jesus.  “Yes,” replied the elderly man. “Good,’ said the tiny minister, “Then I will see you again someday.”

As simple as that, a child, with unconditional love, cherished a human soul and brought joy and comfort.

And this is what He has promised us-eternal life. I John 2:25

Blessings and Peace to each of you,


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