Friday, May 10, 2019

The angel answered, “I am Gabriel, I stand in the presence of God, and I have been sent to speak to you and to tell you this good news. Luke 1:19 (Luke 1:5-80 and Matthew 1:18-25)

A new age was dawning. Matthew and Luke are the only two Gospel writers that tell the story of Jesus’ birth and early years. The divine story is wonderfully miraculous and the human side is touching and poignant. The intimate announcements to Elizabeth, Mary, Zechariah and Joseph show God’s love for the smallest details of life. Blended with time and place far beyond happenstance God’s purposeful work is comfortingly evident.

As Rome became a world power Palestine was divided into provinces. Mary and Joseph lived in the village of Nazareth in the province of Galilee. Because Rome needed a current census to know how much income they could expect from taxes and what sort of military presence they needed to maintain across the empire, Joseph was required to take his family and return to Bethlehem in Judea. The prophets Isaiah and Micah foretold these events of a virgin birth in Bethlehem 100’s of years before there was a Judea!

Bethlehem is a very special place. Long before it was the birth place of the Prince of Peace, it became the burial site of Jacob’s beloved wife Rachel. Ruth met Boaz and called on him to fill his obligation as her kinsman. They became the great grandparents of King David who was born and raised there, giving it the name, City of David. Jerome chose this site to write his Latin translation of scripture. But above all, because the world needed a Savior, Heaven’s Son became Man’s Salvation. And that’s why we celebrate Christmas 365/24/7.

Happy Friday,


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