November 4, 2016

‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. Revelation 21:4

Oh! There is so much hope in these few words!!! God Himself will wipe a life time of tears from your eyes. Did you hear me? God’s hand will gently touch your face and all the sorrow you’ve ever known will be gone forever! Of course there will be no more mourning, crying or pain because death, the thing that hurts the most, is no longer relevant!

It’s so hard to imagine an existence totally lacking in emotional warfare, constant action and reaction, tipping the balance and righting it again. It’s no wonder we are all mentally drained, but God will put away the old order of a sin torn  and confused world. His new order will be an existence of peace, order and love. Satan and his minions won’t be allowed there.

This promise of hope eternal is indeed beautiful and heart stirring, but how do you get through today? This promise of hope does not have to wait for Jesus’ second coming or your earthly death, it can begin this moment. Give whatever is robbing you of tranquility to God. You have absolutely no control over anything but yourself and that control is extremely limited. The struggle is in vain, so turn it loose and let God take care of it.

Have a Wonderful Friday!


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