Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. Psalm 119:105
I know my yard well. The shrubbery is mapped in my head, the water features give themselves away, there are sidewalks to mark common thoroughfares to necessary places. I spend a great deal of daytime and dark in my little paradise. So why would I ever need a flashlight?
For the unexpected, the unforeseen! Dog pooh! A SNAKE!! Rogue patio chairs!
We are a mobile race. Our minds and bodies stay constantly on the go. For the most part we choose our routes, but even so, we encounter the unexpected and need light to avoid, detour or protect ourselves from the things we do not wish to step in or stumble over.
The Psalmist is praising God for this ‘Word’ that indeed sheds brilliant, shadowless light so we may journey free from the detrimental obstacles life offers. Let’s renew this praise also, for this wonderful luminary that is our gift.