Do you send the lightning bolts on their way? Do they report to you, “Here we are?” Job 38:35
Job loses everything, his family, his home, his health, his wealth and finally his dignity when his well meaning friends suggest the root of his situation is hidden sin. Job protests. He did what God asked of him. He was generous to the underdog and sacrificed for his children. Through everything, Job did not give up on God but continued to seek understanding in his suffering and hardship. Job’s faith isn’t superficial, only existing when God sends blessings. Instead he sought relationship with God.
In Job’s story he cries out to God in anguish, “WHY?!” Today’s scripture is from God’s response. God alone created the Heavens and the earth. God alone understands the workings of the universe. Our imperfect understanding does not define God.
Holding onto our faith when things don’t go our way is relationship with God. Great faith is knowing that God is loving, kind and good, even when our earthly perspective indicates otherwise. Job doesn’t lack faith, but displays deep faith. Security is not found in knowing God’s ways but in trusting Him no matter what.