Tuesday, September 29, 2020

My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. John 10:29

It is unbelievable that Jesus was investigated for healing a man blind since birth, but the Pharisees did just that. This miraculous act was done on the sabbath, therefore, this act of love that radically changed someone’s life for the better was horribly offensive to these men of the synagogue and they tried to rob the healed and his family of joy.  When spiritual blindness stands next to physical impairment it is obvious which is a death sentence.  

Following this event Jesus tells the Pharisees again and again that He is the Good Shepherd and His sheep know His voice.  Many attempt to get into the sheep pen by ways other than the gate, but they are thieves. The sheep are safe because they will not follow a voice they do not recognize. Just like the sheep, Jesus’ followers know He is God’s Son.  They know the voice of the One that loves and cares for them.

The Pharisees could not hear the Father’s voice because He was not saying what they wanted to hear. Those who seek to hear and see Jesus, who is One with the Father, follow and will not stray.  The way is straight and narrow, but it is clear and a bright light shines upon the path. 

Have a Great Day,


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