Thursday, December 22, 2016

For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God. I Peter 1:23

Peter, a fisherman, an apostle, a preacher, a missionary, a martyr, but first and foremost, a sinner saved by grace, writes this letter to encourage his fellow believers facing savage persecution.

As one of Jesus’ closest confidants Peter was witness to His greatest miracles. He walked on water with Jesus’ holding his hand. He felt Jesus’ poignant forgiveness after denying Him on the night of His trial. He was the first of the disciples to see the empty tomb. Peter shared air with Jesus. He speaks with great authority of what he knows.

Someday the earth will pass away, it will perish, but God is the God of infinity, eternity, a time that will never end and as His children we share in this inheritance. We will never end either. It’s called eternal life and it is a free gift.

Love to each of you,


3 thoughts on “Thursday, December 22, 2016”

  1. Peter seems to imply the corollary that we do NOT have ANY eternal existence until and unless we receive that imperishable seed. (Joh 3:16; Rom 6:23) Whoever has not been impregnated by the Holy Spirit of Christ will simply cease to exist along with the earth. Would you agree…?

    1. I often struggle in regards to these questions of eternity for those who have had opportunity to know Jesus and those who have not heard the Gospel. In this instance Peter is writing to encourage and remind those who have entered into a relationship through faith, that persecution will come but man’s judgement does not define us, our hope and faith do. I Peter 2:9-12.

      The consequence of sin is death, death being the antithesis of life eternal. (Romans 6:23) The question then is, “What is death?” Is it different for those that never had opportunity to believe and repent than for those that did and refused?
      I’m not sure I’m capable of answering that although it bounces around in my head.

      This truth I know: God is all loving, all knowing, His judgement is perfect and true, Isaiah 28:17. He knows the heart of each man and judges them accordingly, Psalms 139:23-24.

      Thank you so much for stretching my thoughts. As my ministry is predominantly evangelistic, I must endeavor to remain theologically strong.

  2. [This truth I know: God is all loving, all knowing, His judgement is perfect and true, Isaiah 28:17. He knows the heart of each man and judges them accordingly, Psalms 139:23-24.]

    You have a gift for always plucking out the truth that is essential for faith from among the truths we ponder to enhance our intellectual understanding of the Word.


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