Friday, February 18, 2022

He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8 (Micah1-7)

Micah was a contemporary of Amos and Hosea who prophesied against the morally and ethically bankrupt behavior of God’s covenant people, Israel. Fellow prophet Isaiah was thought to be a of royal blood. Micah was a small town man, but he took a strong stand against Judah’s powerful leaders. He is the only prophet to mention Bethlehem (5:2) as the birth place of the coming Messiah.

Assyria carried the people of Israel into exile and soon their magnificent and luxurious capitol city, Samaria, was a ruined heap. The consequences for unconfessed sin from arrogant people will soon doom Judah too. Micah preaches against corrupt judges, sham religious practices and false prophets that condone sinful behavior in trade for earthly comfort. They refused and the future was bleak…..but wait! There’s more!

Mercy is the compassionate forbearance given to an offender. In other words, you don’t get what you’ve got coming! The concept that God is slow to anger and abounding in love and faithfulness is as mind boggling as infinity! If you think you are unloved, or a passive thought in God’s vast universe, ponder this: With extreme clarity God has provided, through His exclusive covenant keeping, a means for every man to become Holy and exist in perfect relationship with Him. He planned and prepared to give His Son so that your sin didn’t condemn you to what you deserve.

A humble sacrifice fought death’s grip and won. Long before the cross, God was making a way for you to live, because He loves mercy and He loves YOU!



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