“Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation? Tell me; if you understand. Job 38:4
The book of Job is classified as a wisdom book in the Old Testament. Chapter 38, verse 4 certainly qualifies it as such because all wisdom begins with the understanding of who IS God and who IS not.
God allows Satan to take away all of Job’s blessings, his family, wealth and health. Satan did see fit to leave Job’s friends and their self proclaimed wisdom. Funny how that worked.
Job’s faith, his hope did not rest in the things of this world. He served and trusted a just and righteous God. Across his journey of grief, Job has asked some pretty tough questions, as do we in the midst of stress and strife. But God did not answer Job’s questions, He asks some of His own. Who are you? Did you weave the world together? Are you the center of the universe? Do you know what is best? The answer, “No” halts presumption, entitlement, arrogance, anger and protest, bringing us to our knees in humble acknowledgment of the things we do not understand and into worship of the Great I AM!