And if he finds it, truly I tell you, he is happier about that one sheep than about the ninety-nine that did not wander off. Matthew 18:13
This verse is not about the security of ninety nine obedient sheep that do not need supervision. (FYI, sheep forever need guidance and oversight.) It IS about the value of the one lost sheep and the extreme measures the shepherd is willing to extend to assure the safety and salvation of the lowly beast that chose to drift into dangerous territory and became vulnerable to the pitfalls of the world.
I have lost things of trivial significance. When I stumble across them I think, “Oh! I’ve been looking for that.” and passively place the item back where I can find it if needed. However, when things of great value are lost, I want the world to stop until the object is found. Retrieval is the highest priority. I am truly joyous when the lost is found and returned to its honored place. The worth I assign the lost, then found, determines the intensity of my search and celebration.
The world’s standards are not the ways of Heaven. On earth it’s every man for himself. ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN, the strong help the weak. It is our mission, our calling. The lost, stuck, abandoned and hopeless won’t find their way if we don’t leave our safety, go find them and bring them home. Jesus has shown us how much they matter to Him. Now we must act.