Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Enoch walked with God; then he was no more, because God took him away.  Genesis 5:24 (Genesis chapters 5-9)

In five chapters we have seen ten generations of man come and go. It is an important line of decent. Enoch was the father of Methuselah, who holds the world’s record for longevity (969 years). He was also Noah’s human connection to the Garden of Eden. Man’s image was now marred, mankind had become abominable in God’s eyes. Enoch and his son’s life times overlapped Adam and Methuselah was a contemporary of Noah. Through Enoch and Methuselah, Noah had a direct human connection to Adam. Methuselah died the year of the flood.

Even with the righteousness of Enoch and Noah, God acted in judgement against man and destruction was let loose. In his act of meticulous obedience, Noah became the source of survival for all living things. God makes a covenant with Noah that extended to all humanity. In the rainbow we have the promise that complete annihilation by flood will never happen again. God also restates that man is created in His image and murder will not be tolerated.

Noah and Enoch are men that are remembered for following and honoring the One True God. Their obedience was faith based and God’s response was deliverance. Enoch did not die, but was ‘taken away’, and Noah lived while all humanity perished.

Faith Matters!


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