Saturday, March 17, 2024

When Abraham was ninety-nine years old, the LORD appeared to him and said“I am God Almighty; walk before me faithfully and be blameless.” Genesis 17:1 (Chapter 17)

God’s promissory covenant with Abraham in chapter 15 verse 18 was unconditional, but the covenant of circumcision is dependent on man’s obedience. Circumcision was a physical sign to the reality of all God’s promises and obedience to God by His people. In this narrative there is the gathering of a multi-racial household into one covenant. Through circumcision, those not related to Abraham joined in kinship with him.

The blessing of all nations began with this one. In ancient times a landed family wrote precise records of offspring and lineage. This was proof of ownership, their heritage. Abraham’s blessing did not come from his earthly father. He was called to leave his home and go into a strange place and there, God would make him the father of a new and great nation.

Humanity repeatedly sorts itself out according to physical attributes, languages and geography. I am not minimizing the covenant of circumcision, but the greater part of this relationship between God and man is obedience, not branches on the family tree validated by race. To share in the Body/Family of God our Father, we must share in each other, first through obedience to God and then love for one another.

Have a Wonderful Week End,


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