Friday, August 23, 2024

May God Almighty bless you and make you fruitful and increase your numbers until you become a community of peoples. Genesis 28:3 (Genesis 26-28)

Through less than ethical behavior Jacob has taken his older brother’s blessing. This blessing gave authority as heir and patriarch apparent of the covenant nation. With the help of his mother Rebekah, he tricked his aged and blind father and robbed the birthright from his older brother, thus, taking for himself, all that Esau would have received. As a result, Jacob’s life was in danger and he was directed to flea to the land of uncle Laban.

The consequences of Jacob’s behavior cost him tremendously. In his exile he never saw his beloved mother again and home loving Jacob was completely alone in an unfamiliar land. Robbed of all security, in the middle of no where, with only a dark sky full of stars for a blanket, Jacob lays his head on a stone, sleeps and dreams of a staircase to Heaven. At the zenith stands God while angels ascend and descend. In this vision, God transfers the covenant promise to him and shows a direct connection from Heaven to earth. In Jacob’s loneliest moment, He finds God standing with him.

Even though Esau proved repeatedly that he cared nothing for his birthright and blessing, Jacob paid dearly for the fraudulent way he acquired what God has already laid a foundation for. Sin causes great pain and separates us from God and others we love. However, it doesn’t have to be the end of our story. God doesn’t quit because we fail. Praise be to God!



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