Tuesday, August 27, 2024

“I am unworthy of all the kindness and faithfulness You have shown Your servant. I had only my staff when I crossed this Jordan, but now I have become two groups. Save me I pray.”Genesis 32:10-11a (Genesis 32-33)

Upon Jacob’s return home, news comes that Esau, the offended brother, is approaching at great speed with 400 hundred men. Jacob is terrified and prepares to protect his family and property as best he can. He calls out to God, (verse above) then sends his wives, concubines and sons ahead under cover of darkness. Alone in the dark Jacob once again encounters God. This time they wrestle and Jacob refuses to turn loose or be defeated. This struggle leaves Jacob crippled for life.  When the dust settles, God has renamed Jacob, Israel, and God has become his God rather than the God of his fathers. The former arrogant and entitled Jacob is gone and a humble servant has evolved.

Rather than approach his brother with vengeance, Esau offers a very generous reception. Jacob presents many gifts and when Esau accepts them, their reconciliation is complete and they part in peace.

Twenty years earlier Jacob left his home with nothing. Now, as angels welcome him home, he is a prince with an inheritance in the Promised Land. When he left he knew of the God of Abraham and Isaac.  Now he is home and The God has become his God.

The God wants to be your God, your peace, your provision, your hope, your friend!



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