Thursday, August 29, 2024

When Reuben heard this, he tried to rescue him from their hands. “Let’s not take his life,” he said. Genesis 37:21 (Genesis 36-37)

In route a final time home to Isaac, Rachel, the wife Jacob loved, died giving birth to Benjamin. She was buried in Bethlehem. Later, Isaac died and Esau and Jacob laid him to rest. Genesis 36 gives a history of the descendants of Esau and then begins the story of Joseph, oldest child of Rachel and Jacob.

Jacob’s sons were watching the family herds in Shechem. He may have been concerned for their safety when he sent the seventeen year old Joseph to assess things and bring him a report. It was suspected that dad intended to give this young boy the birthright. Rueben, the oldest, was illegitimate and possibly disqualified as heir. Levi and Simeon had committed the awful crimes in Shechem, leaving Judah, the fourth in line, to become the family patriarch. But, Joseph was the best loved, and the dreams he shared regarding his own ascendancy in addition to sporting a beautiful, custom made robe of many colors, bred strong resentment among his older brothers. They wanted him dead, so they designed a scheme to kill and a story to deflect suspicion.

Rueben, who actually had the most to lose by Joseph remaining alive, tried to divert violence and save the boy. The other nine continue toward murder, until they saw a caravan of spice traders and decided the better option would be to sell Joseph. They then take his one of a kind coat, cover it in animal’s blood and return to their father with the story of a devastating, brutal, wild animal attack.

Joseph was precious and loved, but he found himself enslaved as the lowest of the low and lucky to be alive. Somewhere out in the desert, in route to Egypt, Joseph decided that his father’s God was going to be His God too and his faith might be shaken on occasion, but he would stand firm!

Something happens when it’s just one man (you) and God.  When He’s your only hope, you find that His hope is everything.



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