Saturday, August 31, 2024

The warden paid no attention to anything under Joseph’s care, because the LORD was with Joseph and gave him success in whatever he did. Genesis 39:23 (Genesis 39)

Joseph, the favored son, was sold into slavery by his jealous and spiteful brothers. Instead of living in despair, anger, bitterness and regret, somewhere between his father’s tent and the home of the Egyptian man who purchased him, Joseph became a man of great integrity. Because of an impeccable strength of character and body he is given charge over Potipher’s entire household. Potipher’s wife desires Joseph and when she is rebuffed she makes it look as if she is the offended rather than the offender. Joseph is incarcerated, but again, his exceptional leadership and high standard of behavior draw the attention of the prison warden and once again Joseph is entrusted with other’s belongings and well being.

No doubt Joseph is at fault as a bratty little brother, but that did not excuse the actions and reactions of those who responded with evil intent. Neither are the actions of others an excuse for Joseph to despair and turn against God. In the face of false accusations and disgrace Joseph stood righteous.

Shame and sin begin in secret places of hearts and minds and find their way into habits and life choices. What you do when no on is looking is a really big deal. God will not co-exist and share your heart with evil. Live righteously and satan will have no ability to impede God’s plan and your blessings.

Have a great weekend!


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