Tuesday, September 3, 2024

But God sent me ahead of you to preserve for you a remnant on earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance. Genesis 45:7 (Genesis 42-46)

These chapters hold one of the most beautiful stories in the Bible. Joseph, who was sold into slavery and presumed dead, has ascended to the highest realms of Pharaoh’s government. As was foretold in Joseph’s youthful dreams, he is now in a position of authority over the same brothers that planned his demise. However, Joseph has a heart of love and forgiveness and the father and son who thought they would never meet again have a beautiful reunion. When Jacob dies in the foreign Land of Goshen, Joseph, along with his own sons, returns his father’s remains to Canaan.

When God made his covenant with Abraham He established a Messianic line that began with Abraham and ended with Jesus. The first five links in this chain are Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah and Perez. No Joseph to be found! The family line descends through Joseph’s older brother Judah, who was not a very nice person!! Four of these men were guilty of egregious sin. If not for Joseph’s holiness and faith, the covenant nation would have ended in it’s fourth generation.

From the beginning, God’s covenant nation struggled to survive. Man’s sin, and now an act of nature, threatened to end all for the Hebrew people. But God prevailed! He made a way. A pesky little brother became the victim of hatred, but he rose to become the second most powerful man in the most powerful government of that time. Joseph found he was liberated from other’s destructive and sinful behavior when He hoped and trusted in God’s providence. Do right, do good, never take your eyes off the Throne and He who is seated there. The Kingdom of God will withstand ALL forces of opposition.  It is the winning team!

Have a Terrific Tuesday!


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