Wednesday, September 4, 2024

But Joseph said to them, “Don’t be afraid. Am I in the place of God? Genesis 50:20 (Genesis 47-50)

Joseph saves his entire family and the nation of Israel from demise during the seven year drought. Pharaoh instructs Joseph to settle his father, brothers and their families in the best land Egypt has to offer, Goshen. There they remained. When Jacob died, he was honored and mourned as if he’d been a king. After he was embalmed, in the Egyptian style, he was returned to Hebron and buried with Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Rebekah and his own wife Leah. This burial cave was the only land owned by an Israelite, but someday Israel would be given the entire region of Canaan. Years later, when this nation returned to claim Canaan, they took Joseph’s bones with them, just as he had asked them to do.

Following the death of their father, Joseph’s brothers felt less secure in his good graces so they forged a letter from their father imploring Joseph to take care of them. Joseph’s response is above. His righteousness shines through. Man’s deeds, or misdeeds, will not determine his actions, only God has that authority.

It is easy to see God at work through the faithfulness of man, but less clear when devious and self-interested men allow personal ambition to hurt others. But, the character of God is loving. He takes care of us no matter where we find ourselves. What man means for evil, God will make good and bless others too.



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